Community Impact
Over the course of the last few years, I have:
Lead efforts that resulted in registering 811 voters and conducted 1500 voter registration confirmations (due to the purge) from 9/11/20 – 10/15/20, educated senior apartment complexes on the absentee ballot process as well as provided transportation to the polls curbside for those seniors.
Spearheaded efforts to maintain a relationship with senior apartment complexes for ongoing efforts, such as hot meals for the holidays, feeding the homeless, dozens of organize community events, and coordinated the delivery of 400 book bags for kids in need.
Coordinated and managed more than 25 clinics, by partnering with 20+ churches and community organizations, averaging 155 COVID vaccinations to make sure our community had access.
Initiated and managed COVID appointment scheduling for our
health department contributing to increasing their HMP stats from 10% to over 30% as well as some scheduling for Vidant.